Facebook let select Dark Money campaign financiers have “special access” to user data, per report
Such data sharing was supposed to have been fully cut off in 2015, but it wasn't.

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Facebook maintained secret deals with a handful of companies,
allowing them to gain "special access to user records," long
after it cut off most developers' access to such user data back
in 2015, according to a new Friday report by the Wall Street Journal, citing court
documents it did not publish and other unnamed sources.
These arrangements,
which were known as "whitelists," reportedly allowed "certain
companies to access additional information about a user’s
Facebook friends," including phone numbers.
Numerous companies,
including the Royal Bank of Canada and Nissan Motor Company,
apparently maintained such deals.
Ime Archibong,
Facebook’s vice president of product partnerships, told the Journal that
the company had allowed some companies to have "short-term
extensions" to this user data.
“But other than that,
things were shut down," he said.
The new report on
Facebook is separate from the other disclosure of data sharing with 60
device makers,
and the other recent revelation that a "bug" made private posts of
14 million users public.
The news comes as
Facebook is attempting to rehabilitate its public image. Since
April 25, Facebook has run a national marketing campaign,
including television spots that have aired during the NBA
Finals, in an attempt to improve the company’s image and its
"commitment to doing better."
"People come to Facebook
first and foremost to connect with friends and family, however
they have concerns about issues on the platform like fake
news, data misuse, click bait, and spam," Lisa Stratton, a
company spokeswoman, emailed Ars earlier this week. "We are
taking a broader view of our responsibilities, and we hope
this campaign will show that we take that responsibility
seriously and are working to improve Facebook for everyone."
Facebook did not
immediately respond to Ars’ request for comment.
UPDATE 8:09pm ET: Spokeswoman
Katy Dormer told Ars that Facebook would not provide a full
list of the companies that Facebook provided such extensions
When asked why Facebook
users should continue to trust the company given the recent
post-Cambridge Analytica spat of news stories involving
previously unknown data sharing deals and errors, she said
that Facebook takes its responsibility to protect users' data
"very seriously."
Dormer added that the
court documents the Journal was referring to had to do with an ongoing legal dispute
involving a company known as Six4Three,
which has sued Facebook multiple times in the Superior Court
of San Mateo County and also federal court in San Francisco in
recent years.
She also provided a
statement from Archibong.
“For the most part this
is a rehash of last week-end's New York Times story — namely
that we built a set of device integrated APIs used by around
60 companies to create Facebook-like experiences,” he wrote.
“In April 2018, we
announced that we were winding these down. In terms of our
Platform APIs, the Journal has confused two points. In 2014,
all developers were given a year to switch to the new, more
restricted version of the API. A few developers including
Nissan and RBC asked for a short extension — and those
extensions ended several years ago. Any new 'deals', as the
Journal describes them, involved people's ability to share
their broader friends' lists — not their friends' private
information like photos or interests — with apps under the
more restricted version of the API.”